The possible values for paymentType attribute are:
Description | Value |
The merchant receives an order he is able to fulfil in a single shipment. | ONE_OFF |
The merchant establishes an agreement with the buyer to pay for goods or services in multiple transactions over an agreed period. | MX_INSTALLMENT |
These are payments for the delivery of ongoing goods or services. They have a fixed interval and fixed amount for each payment. | MX_RECURRING |
The merchant checks validity of PAN and expiry date using an Account Verification transaction. | ACCOUNT_VERIFICATION |
These are payments for the delivery of ongoing goods or services. They have a fixed interval and fixed amount for each payment. | RECURRING |
The merchant establishes an agreement with the buyer to pay for goods or servces in multiple transactions over an agreed period. | INSTALLMENT |
A merchant initiates a payment on shipping with the order shipment beyond the authorisation release period or the merchant establishes an agreement with the buyer to ship goods at a later time. | PRE_ORDER |
The merchant establishes an agreement with the buyer to charge him based on his consumption. | UNSCHEDULED |
A merchant initiates an authorisation request for the rental of a good or service. | RENTAL_SERVICES_PAYMENT |
This payment case applies to a merchant from whom a buyer has ordered and consumed a rental of goods and services that results in additional charges after the payment file has been closed. | DELAYED_CHARGE |
This payment case applies to a merchant from whom a buyer has booked a rental of goods and services and does not show up with a contractual commitment. | NO_SHOW |
This function is used to refund the buyer if the merchant has not retained the authorisation transaction ID required for the doRefund function. | CREDIT |
Decoupled payment across multiple merchants | MULTIPLE_MERCHANTS |
Bank Transfer | BANK_TRANSFER |